Real time digital slickline services have been used increasingly in the Gulf of Mexico by a number of customers. Through its telemetry enabled capabilities and the purpose built tools that complete the platform, digital slickline services can deliver a number of safety and efficiency gains to all types of slickline operations.
Material presented in this paper will be from actual operations, examples being perforation, tubing punching and cutting, plug setting and cement dump bailing, and will demonstrate the operational efficiencies being delivered.
Enhancement of the slickline service comes from real time surface readout of in situ tool operational status, the critical core measurements of downhole toolstring movement, deviation head tension and shock, and the depth precision now offered through gamma ray and CCL sensors. Optional tools such as a pressure / temperature gauge bring yet further visibility on the impact of the downhole actions undertaken. Expansion of the slickline service capabilities come from the telemetry enablement and core tools, coupled with a range of specific tools and sensors that have been developed to run on this slickline platform, namely a electro-hydraulic setting tool, an explosive triggering device, a monobore lock mandrel, and a production logging suite.
The real time data that is delivered to the slickline operator removes the need for assumptions that often have to be made during conventional slickline operation, and allow for a more efficient and reliable slickline operation to be undertaken. This results in a reduction in operation time, and a reduction in unnecessary trips out of the well to check on the tool status or to validate depth. Furthermore, since digital slickline is able to carry out both slickline well preparation work and a range of remedial or measurement work often carried out on memory or eLine, these operations can often be conducted entirely utilizing digital slickline crew and equipment. This optimizes pre- and post-job logistics, equipment rig up and rig down, and the job execution itself. In addition to the obvious cost savings, with a slickline wire comes a simplification of the pressure control and a well control recovery situation.