Until recently, fluid flow through coiled tubing (CT) was only discussed as a theory or an idea. With the aid of some sophisticated new software technology, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), an understanding of the actual flow patterns of fluids in CT is now possible. This paper discusses a more complete study of multiple CT string components and their effect on fluid flow.

Analysis of individual components or systems has been performed, but combining systems can change the outcome of the results. Previous analysis simulated a straight section of tubing running through a tubing guide. This analysis assumed fully developed flow entering the straight section of tubing. Based on results of an industry consortium, the flow into the straight tubing coming off the reel may not be fully developed. To expand the study of the actual full-scale model of a CT string, in this study, additional portions of the string will be included. The fluid-flow phenomenon from the reel and its effect on the flow path in the straight section of the tubing between the reel and tubing guide will be incorporated into the model. The results could affect the centrifugal forces and flow-path patterns previously thought to affect erosion. Results generated from these studies could help in understanding erosion principles, including sand particle migration and movement.

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