Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of new and in-service CT is leading to higher quality (conformance to specifications), the driver being high pressure, high temperature service work. This paper outlines a number of "firsts" in NDE that have occurred at Quality Tubing. We have installed and operated an electromagnetic strip inspection device and removed many strip surface imperfections, and a phased-array ultrasound (PAUT) system for weld-seam/heat-affected zone (HAZ) inspection of new tubing for the detection of typical seam anomalies. In order to inspect butt-welds quickly and without radiation, we are investigating the use of ultrasound, and have also procedurized bias weld and seam weld prove-up procedures using UT. Further, we have "final-inspected" (i.e. NDE after hydrostatic test) numerous strings for many coiled line pipe (CLP) projects, and more recently "high-exposure" coiled tubing projects such as Sakhalin, Thunderhorse projects.

For used materials, we have NDE-inspected for cement plugs, weld locations, and typical used-tubing defects, and have assisted in the determination of API derating criteria for in-service materials.

Recently, an untethered robot, capable of inspecting CLP/CT has emerged, and is introduced here.

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