Coiled tubing is used extensively in Colombia as the preferred alternative to conventional workover operations for reasons of costs, logistics, and security. However, wellbore conditions make few jobs "routine" and extensive pre-job planning is required for each well intervention. Even with precautions, unforeseen situations occur that are unique to Colombia.

This paper presents an overview of the types of wells in Colombia. Depths, wellbore schematics, formation interval lengths, fluids produced, etc. are given as background information. Wellbore conditions that affect the use of coiled tubing are detailed to show the difference between Colombia and other areas utilizing coiled tubing.

A complete description of the types of jobs run in Colombia with coiled tubing is presented along with problems encountered while doing these jobs. The types of computer modeling used to design and implement each job are also given. Two actual case histories are used as typical examples of problems encountered on a daily basis during well interventions as well as the solutions to remedy these problems.

A set of guidelines gained primarily through experience in running coiled tubing in Colombia are presented and may help others encountering similar wellbore conditions in other areas of the world. The concluding section of the paper lists the areas requiring more technological advances for running coiled tubing in Colombia.

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