This paper will outline the history, and operation of a Through-Tubing selective injection tool used for the purpose of water shutoffs. This tool is an inflatable, re-settable, coiled tubing-conveyed straddle packer assembly designed to run through production tubing and isolate a portion of perforated, screened, slotted, or open hole allowing precise placement of water blocking chemicals, Acidizing, or chemical fluids.

The paper will include a description of 18 field runs of this tool used for water blocking chemicals from 1995 through October 1999 and will examine the 3 case histories listed below in more detail:

  1. Through-Tubing selective water shut-off polymer job through casing perforations with a single packer

  2. Through-Tubing selective water shut-off polymer job of an intermediate zone in 4.5" casing

  3. Through-Tubing selective water shut-off polymer job of an intermediate zone in 3.5" screen liner

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