
The article describes a method of detailing the bottom hole part of the well with the identification of drainage zones and subsequent graphical 3D modeling of the pore structure of the productive interval.


A geological and geophysical section of the productive horizon of an oil well was chosen as a natural polygon, for which well logging data and microcomputer tomography of the core are available. Thus, according to well logging data, it was proved that the studied productive part of the section is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity. At the same time, tomography studies of a full-sized core from the same area made it possible to identify four lithology types of rocks with different features of the pore structure.


The forecasting technique wasconducted based on the possibilities of 3D modeling (simulation) with a color display of the porosity values within borehole walls. A distinctive feature of this approach is the use of the method of expanding the array of initial data by adding intermediate calculated values. The visualization of the final geological model of the porosity of the well walls is provided by a color 3D image of an enlarged data array, which makes it possible to judge the presence of areas with good or weak fluid flooding in the well walls.


According to obtained final model, transverse and longitudinal fluid-conducting "corridors" are determined in the near-wellbore zone, favorable for hydrodynamic movements of natural and artificial fluids.

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