Binary mixture thermo-chemical (BiMTheCh) technology refers to energy-releasing chemicals which can be injected into the reservoir with in-situ generation of heat, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. As laboratory investigations show, BiMTheCh or thermochemical fluid has proved to be a highly effective technology for stimulation of oil wells with heavy oil and low permeability.

In this work, the feasibility of this technology for stimulation of brown fields from laboratory to field scale is investigated. First, on the laboratory scale, thermobaric parameters of the reaction were studied to optimize the composition of injecting chemicals. And finally, the optimized composition is applied to enhance oil recovery from low permeable reservoirs in Russia.

Laboratory results show that BiMTheCh can be used for removing asphaltene and resin from near borehole zone by melting them. Generated gases after the reaction create a network of fractures in the vicinity of the reaction zone and simultaneously, by inducing a thermobaric shock, cracks oil molecules and upgrades oil directly into the reservoir. Oil field data in 5 wells shows that oil production increased 2-3 folds with a duration of 12 months or more.

BiMTheCh can be used for stimulation of green and brown fields with a high efficiency in a safe rig-less mode.

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