Analysis of previously drilled horizontal wells in mature fields showed a lack of monitoring of drilling parameters in real time. For example, complications during the drilling process (slack off / pick up), low rate of penetration, poor wellbore cleaning, and as a result mechanical and differential, increased uncertainty of the location of wells leading to the risk of collision with other wellbores, also casing running problems and cementing.

The issue of monitoring drilling parameters in real time, considering the actual drilling parameters obtained from the well, is extremely important and in demand.

The workflow includes linking preplanned engineering calculations with actual data while drilling using software applications to optimize the following parameters:

  • mechanical integrity of the drill string and efficiency of the BHA depending on the type of operation (tripping in, tripping out, rotary drilling, slide drilling and etc.);

  • drilling fluid circulation in the wellbore to ensure its cleaning and downhole pressure control (minimum flow rate and equivalent circulating density);

  • calculation of running casing strings (trip speed, circulation, calculation of lateral forces etc.).

The described process of real-time monitoring of horizontal wells makes it possible to identify and prevent deviations from drilling technology at early stages and during drilling, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of drilling problems and accidents, and as a result, it had a positive effect on the timing of well construction and its quality. This article demonstrates the method of control and production of calculations in accordance with actual data to optimize the drilling of horizontal wells in the fields. Examples of wells from several fields in the West Kazakhstan region where this technique is used are shown.

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