The most common alternative for High-Line power in an oilfield is the use of a portable generator (Gen-Set) in combination with either a Fixed-Speed Drive (FSD) or a Variable-Speed Drive (VSD). Both of these configurations, however, have limitations.

In order to overcome these limitations, a novel type of Gen-Set, called a Variable-Frequency Generator (VFG), was designed and built with the capabilities of starting large motors and of operating them at a variable speed and voltage. The VFG is an engine-driven medium-voltage generator that provides electrical power at a variable frequency and a variable voltage with a perfect sine wave without harmonic distortions.

This technical paper reviews the factory- and field-test data of a 660[kW]/825[kVA] VFG system powering a 760[HP] ESP. The paper also describes in detail the benefits of a VFG system as compared to a Gen-Set/VSD or Gen-Set/FSD systems.

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