As technology has developed over the recent years, engineers have gained access to more and more powerful tools to solve difficult engineering tasks. All of these tools have generated enormous quantity of data that in many cases has been filed but never used again. The technological development has not changed the fundamental ways engineers and organisations work in silos, making it difficult to take advantage of historical data and learned experiences for future improvement.

This paper introduces a new online database that combines data and experience from previous operations in order to increase efficiency of planning and execution of well operations in the future. By developing a platform for recording and managing any data in one readable mode, a method for standardizing data formats and content was created. In order to extract maximum of the available data saved by different users in various organisations, a common usable log was developed to export readable data. The online software tool was developed using public data and can be futher extended by adding commercial and user related business information. With one platform to share and visualize data there will be a significant advantage for the organization making use of all data and learning from project to project.

Throughout developing a platform for reusing and sharing data and experiences it has been found that significant time can be saved planning new projects. Not only can time be saved, but by removing the manual process of searching and processing data, the quality of the data analysis increases dramatically, removing high risk elements to the project. By sharing experiences between departments and organisations and making them easily available in the planning phase, gradually changes the way the engineer have been working. The mindset to focus on best practices has changed by being open to sharing experience. Saving time on manual searches, data processing and capturing important experiences has led to better cooperation, time saving and increase of quality in planning and operation execution. By testing the database internally first, it has been proved that 1-3 weeks of work can be saved on each project normally devoted to data search and processing. This allows the engineer primarily to focus on his main tasks. Focusing on the main task and using the data and experiences for choosing the best solution has led to significant decrease of risk and cost.

As data and experiences normally belong to departments, projects or organisations, it has been found that most companies do not efficiently share these across their organisation, and even less with other companies. With a web based platform for experience and data capture and sharing, companies can for the first time be able to share data across the whole organization. This will ultimately lead to a learning organization that will improve the quality of deliveries in the longer perspective.

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