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Keywords: Ferron Sandstone
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 5–8, 1997
Paper Number: SPE-38741-MS
... reservoirs makes constructing a detailed model difficult; analog data collected from outcrops can constrain or guide model construction. Outcrop data sets may be complex. The Ferron Sandstone outcrop data sets contain hundreds of sandstone and shale layers. Beds are discontinuous, nonrectangular...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 6–9, 1991
Paper Number: SPE-22670-MS
... studies of analogous reservoirs in the Gulf Coast Basin, many of which are major natural gas producers. society of petroleum engineers permeability characteristic distributary-channel facies delta-front sandstone correlation length ferron sandstone flow in porous media stratal type reservoir...

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