IFP water shutoff technology is based on the use of relative permeability modifiers (RPM's). The technique consists of bullhead injection of polymer solutions into existing completions, usually without zone isolation. The polymer can be swelled or weakly crosslinked in situ to increase permeability reduction to water. The chemistry of the different processes is explained. Each process covers a specific domain of temperature and salinity. All systems are designed to affect oil or gas relative permeability only slightly.
By reviewing typical field cases, i.e. water shutoff in gas storage wells, heavy-oil horizontal wells, offshore gravel-packed wells and multilayer-waterflooded wells in both sandstone and limestone reservoirs, several guidelines are presented, dealing with candidate well selection, process design, operational aspects and treatment evaluation. Crucial for a successful treatment is the placement of the chemicals. Therefore in order to make RPM treatments more reliable, future focus of research should be oriented towards diversion aspects. Some solutions are suggested and discussed.