A field test of wet in-situ oxygen combustion has been carried out in the Esperson Dome field in southeast Texas. The objectives of the pilot test were to evaluate the potential of oxygen combustion technology, to assess its advantages over air fireflooding, and to gain experience in the safe handling and downhole injection of high purity oxygen in an oil field environment.

The Miocene sandstone chosen for the pilot is relatively deep (2700 feet), thin (20 feet), and had been substantially watered-out by a strong natural water drive. At the beginning of the combustion pilot an estimated 850 bbl/acre-ft (36% saturation) of 90 cp (21 °API) oil remained in place. The natural water drive dominated the combustion process and assisted in displacing the oil. At project termination, 200 MMscf of oxygen and 55 MMscf of nitrogen had been injected, 90,000 barrels of oil recovered, four existing older wells failed, four new wells drilled, and three wells burned out. Determination of incremental oil is uncertain due to these operational changes.

The objectives of the project were met, and improvements in the project design and operation are expected to lead to an economic process for further applications.

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