Empirical correlations for approximating phase behavior and flow properties for hydrocarbon gas-oil systems are used in many procedures for design of petroleum production and reservoir engineering operations. In many cases, the accuracy of a complex design is seriously reduced by relying on outdated, inaccurate fluid property correlations for key parameters.
The scope of the proposed research consisted of developing new and improved correlations for the fluid properties: solution gas-oil ratio, fluid formation volume factor (below and above bubble point), and viscosity of oil (above bubble point), al functions of parameters measured in the field such as crude oil API gravity, gas specific gravity, reservoir temperature, and pressure.
The correlations were developed using data from laboratory fluid property analyses. Multiple regression analysis techniques were used to process and correlate the data. Statistical results of the newly developed correlations are presented.
The evaluation of physical properties of hydrocarbons is one of the main concerns in the handling of the different stages of oilfield operations such as in the determination of pressure gradients occurring in multiphase fluid flow situations, the design of surface operation facilities, and in general, in the design of every piece of equipment involved in the production and transportation of crude oils. Some of these properties are: solution gas-oil ratio, oil formation volume factor, and oil viscosity. The solution gas-oil ratio is the amount gas in stru1dard cubic feet dissolved at a certain pressure and temperature per barrel of residual oil. The oil formation volume factor is the ratio of the amount of reservoir oil at a given pressure and temperature that would yield one barrel of oil at standard conditions (14.7 psia and 60°F).