Complex well-designs require higher performance casing connection capabilities. A key aspect to consider when running casing is the integrity of the connection as this correlates directly to the long-term viability of the well. Improperly made-up casing connections, if unidentified, can lead to premature failures especially under challenging conditions. Premature failures can result in leakage throughout the production process, ID restrictions, or in severe cases, complete separation. Leveraging automation can ensure that every connection is meeting the manufacturer's makeup procedures before it is run in hole.
To preserve connection integrity, automation and integration of the rig controls and casing running tools, can be used in combination with qualified field service representation to ensure every connection meets the manufacturer acceptance criteria. For ease of use, the driller only presses one button to initiate the top drive's sequence in conjunction with the drawworks to ensure connections are made in a neutral weight.
To ensure procedural adherence, parameters are defined for the casing running tools. This includes optimum make-up torque, shoulder torque spin-in and final shoulder speeds and drawworks auto-feed based on connection specific data sheets. As part of the validation, a torque-turn integrated system using strain gauges automatically validates the applied forces throughout the connection.
In most circumstances, leaking connections and other downhole malfunctions are a result of poor procedural adherence to the casing manufacturers guidelines by the casing running provider. Thus, performance variability can be attributed to the human impact on accuracy and adherence. Connections are responsible for a majority of pipe failures that compromise well safety and integrity not only from the connection make up but also down hole loading conditions. By automating the makeup process of premium connections, the operator mitigates their risk of human variability leading to connection failures as a result of improper make-up.
Across approximately 500 automated wells, no remediation has been necessary in the production stage. Frack plugs can run smoothly and, with the optimum torque applied, no poor axial alignment has been detected. Automated casing connections enable consistency and mitigate human variability resulting in more efficient casing runs by preventing time wasted on cross threads or back outs. The prevention of leakage by proper final engagement eliminates an environmental hazard as a leaking connection results in fluid migration that can contaminate the soil and underground water supply. Additionally, financial savings are realized through avoidance of patching, cutting, reaming or reconnecting the casing.
This paper highlights the high level of precision and consistency achieved with automation. When the right parameters are set and automatically executed in combination with a qualified thread representative verifying the connection, the operator eliminates the risk of poorly made connections that can have significant consequences to the long-term viability of the well. The benefits are better well economics, safety performance and lower environmental impact.