The purpose of this paper is to communicate the experiences in the development of an innovative concept named "ASK Thamama" as an automated data and information retrieval engine driven by artificial intelligence techniques including text analytics and natural language processing. ASK is an AI enabled conversational search engine used to retrieve information from various internal data repositories using natural language queries. The text processing and conversational engine concept is built upon available open-source software requiring minimum coding of new libraries.
A data set with 1000 documents was used to validate key functionalities with an accuracy of 90% of the search queries and able to provide specific answers for 80% of queries framed as questions.
The results of this work show encouraging results and demonstrate value that AI-enabled methodologies can provide natural language search by enabling automated workflows for data information retrieval. The developed AI methodology has tremendous potential of integration in an end-to-end workflow of knowledge management by utilizing available document repositories to valuable insights, with little to no human intervention.