Reliable and representative models and detailed characterization of a geologically complex reservoir are crucially important in having better understanding of the reservoir behavior and directly guiding to the most efficient implementation of the field development plan. This study focused on developing models of the Upper Cretaceous Waha carbonate and Bahi sandstone reservoirs and the Cambrian-Ordovician Gargaf sandstone reservoir in the Meghil field, Sirte Basin, Libya. The goals of the study were to characterize the vertical and lateral spatial continuity of each of the three formations and to calculate deterministic and probabilistic volumetrics.
The Meghil Field, discovered in 1959, is located on the Zelten Platform and regionally classified as an extensional area of the larger Zelten field. Nineteen wells were drilled targeting the primary reservoir interval of interest at a drilled depth of around 8000 feet. A 3D seismic program was conducted to develop detailed structural maps for the Kalash and Waha/Bahi/Gargaf formations to evaluate future gas field development program. The field is characterized by three slightly asymmetrical anticlinal traps trending NW-SE. Major and minor faults that cut the interior of the structure were detected in the seismic block. The available drill stem DST and production tests were used to evaluate the level of communication between the structures. The structural framework for a 3D reservoir model is based on the interpretation and integration of the seismic volume and the available well logs.
The well log data show that the net hydrocarbon bearing zone thickness is about 270 feet, the average porosity ranges from 4% in the Bahi/Gargaf sandstone to 13% in the Waha limestone. The average water saturation ranges from 15% to 32% in the Waha limestone and the Bahi/Gargaf sandstone respectively. Geostatistical models were developed using the well log and core data along with the structural model developed from the 3D seismic volume. The models suggest that porosity decreases towards the flanks and that separate flow units are likely present. The deterministic and stochastic give estimates of the original gas in place of about 830 Bscf and 732.2 Bscf for the upper and lower reservoir intervals, respectively. This study demonstrated the potential for significant additional hydrocarbon production from the Meghil field as well as the potential impact of heterogeneity on well placement and spacing.