Exploration and Production operating envelop is increasingly getting complex due to sub-surface and production challenges. This requires companies to work in a new operating environment that requires better understanding of the fields, apply new techniques, more agility in business decision, workforce development while improving operations excellence. This requires efficient transformation of the existing practices and workforces into the new operating environment while developing young nationals efficiently and integrating them into the main stream to enable them to lead future operations.
Knowledge Management (KM) is a key component that facilitates this transformation. Though knowledge management is practiced at varied levels in different organizations, the real value can be achieved when knowledge management is seamlessly integrated as part of the routine operations than as a standalone practice.
In this paper, the author discusses the strategy, methodology and use cases in establishing a Collaborative Knowledge Management Foundation that comprise of integrated knowledgebase, KM workflows, Virtual Community of Practices (VCoP), data analytics, collaboration tools, practice to embed knowledge as part of routine operational workflows. VCoPs are the practitioners and expert's hub for key business lines such as Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir, Drilling, Production, Engineering, HSE etc. that facilitates asking questions, share best practices and ideas, support each other efficiently while taking operations decisions in a virtual environment.
Integrated knowledgebase comprises of technical information, decisions and lessons learnt, FAQs, best practices, root-cause, after action reviews across different disciplines are vital to carryout quality planning, design and operations. The KM workflow systematically harvests the knowledge generated, data analytics tool derives insights out of vast volume of data smartly, collaboration tools facilitates smart interactions amongst the business community, the integrated process disseminates knowledge in real time.
The smart knowledge Management Framework facilitates accelerate the learning curves of the emerging talents, transform existing employees to adapt to the changing E&P operating environment towards strategically manage human capital and business transformation. The CoP enables the employees to leverage the collective knowledge and experience of experts in addressing operational challenges and decisions.