This paper seeks to identify key challenges in student employability, propose possible and sustainable solutions, introduce and reinforce the importance of ‘knowing self’ and developing ‘transferable skills’ that can help with sustaining their various phases of life
Formal and Informal education are designed to prepare students for life skills, or so we think? Life skills are those skills that are inherent in ensuring that we become responsible, successful and happy individuals. In becoming successful, desirable employability skills are imperative either as a potential employee or entrepreneur, as they help individuals to accomplish their ambitions and live to their full potential.
This paper utilizes a range of information from over 500 respondents in surveys comprising undergraduates, graduates and employed individuals, addressing specific aspects of education and employability, importance of vision and aspiration and others. Experts' opinions are included on survey results and guidance towards proposing suitable solutions and go forward plan while exploring applicable industry recruiting policies.
Incoming results already challenge the concept of employability versus education. It suggests effective integration and highlights dependencies on a range of attributes and developed abilities. Also student awareness of this concept needs to be developed. Hence, it is crucial to bring to the formal education curriculum a strategy that influences these skills development.
This is a culmination of my volunteer experiences as pioneer AAPG AR Young Professional Lead and currently Student Chapter coordinator, and as I step into a role with NAPE as the University Assistance Program chairperson.
It is evident that employability supersedes academic excellence. This project provides valuable information regarding this life skill and attempts to change the mindset and preparedness level of current and future employees/employers while creating more values for industrialization.