Operators in the oil and gas industry are leading the way in the development and application of drilling optimization systems, allowing them to collaborate more effectively with service companies and improve drilling economics. They have combined their efforts with those of large equipment manufacturers that have extensive knowledge of solutions provided by advanced technology. Together, these entities can address the drilling challenges of each application, and establish new key performance indicator's that push the current boundaries.
Hess's optimization program is a drilling specific approach to the continuous improvement cycle. It adopts key elements from rate of penetration (ROP) management programs, lean manufacturing concepts and the drilling needs and practices of the operator. The program uses the Plan, Do, Check, Adjust (PDCA) as the four basic phases, with additional drilling specific activities covered in each step. Multiple downhole dynamics recorders validated the improvement process by monitoring bottomhole assembly (BHA) characteristics and operating practice effectiveness. Key performance indicators (KPIs) were established based on vibration levels from the downhole dynamics recorders, drilling hours, and interval hours.
A five well test program demonstrated the importance of program tools such as a driller's roadmap. A benchmark well was drilled and refined with regular drilloff tests. The BHA characteristics, operating practices, and drill bits were identified as the ROP limiters after analyzing the KPIs. This resulted in inconsistent runs and vibration damage to the drill-bit cutting structures. A working "driller's roadmap" was refined from the benchmark well to encourage a consistent approach to operating practices. Tests with three basic BHA configurations identified drilling system vibration characteristics and were then optimized to yield the best results.
ROP limiters identified by data analysis were addressed with significant adjustments to the BHA and operating parameters as the PDCA cycles progressed. A lessons learned catalog compiled during the optimization process documented key changes and performance impacts. The optimization cycle yielded an average 33 hour reduction in drilling time per well for the first pad in the process when compared to the rig's benchmark well. This resulted in a savings of about USD 88,335 per well, for a total savings of USD 353,340 for the first pad.
The optimization project is currently continuing in this field to fine tune the driller's roadmap. Improved performance and cost savings were sustained throughout the optimization process with larger gains to be realized in future drilling.