Since 2006 the University of Houston has evaluated CO2 sequestration potential in a deep saline aquifer system in Ness County, Kansas. This paper is a summary on the simulation part of the project.
Combining 3D seismic and dense well control, a static model was constructed and history matching was accomplished.Good history matching validates the static geological model and the same model can then be further used for CO2 sequestration prediction.
After history matching, several aquifer simulation models were constructed to study the CO2 injection rate and storage safety issues. A full formation simulation model including sallow geological layers and deep saline aquifer was further constructed to predict CO2 migration after injection. Free CO2 gas trapped in a geological structure can migrate to the surface through faults, fractures, failed cap rock, or corroded well pipe. These actions represent a real safety threat. A major challenge is to develop a practical simulation model to study CO2 leakage scenarios over long time periods (typically 250 years in our work). One way of improving CO2 storage safety is to accelerate residual gas and solubility trapping. Our simulation results indicate two effective ways of reducing free CO2: injecting CO2 with brine, and/or horizontal well injection. In the carbonate aquifer we studied, tuned combination of these methods can reduce the amount of free CO2 from over 50% to less than 10%.
As part of the lower Paleozoic aquifer system in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, the site under the Dickman oil field shows potential as a viable CO2 storage site. However, faulting and numerous abandoned wells cast uncertainty on its ability to serve as a permanent CO2 storage site. This study shows that a careful simulation study can maximize CO2 injection rate, minimize existence of free CO2, and significantly reduce uncertainty in the safety of CO2 permanent storage.