The process of abrasive jet perforating deployed on coiled tubing (CT), fracturing down the CT and casing annulus, and isolation with proppant plugs has proven beneficial in reducing completion costs and improving operational efficiencies in multistage stimulation applications. Unlike conventional plug and perforation techniques, this process can be done in a single trip, allowing the well to be put on production immediately after the treatment because no bridge plugs have to be drilled. However in horizontal well applications, achieving isolation with proppant plugs can be very challenging due to gravity effects, proppant plug integrity concerns, and ease of fracturing the formation. Adding degradable fibers to proppant plugs has proven successful in achieving good isolation between stages in horizontal wellbores. The fibers not only help create bridging at the perforations, but they also keep the proppant from settling to the bottom of the pipe thereby maintaining the integrity of the proppant plug. This approach has been used successfully in several abrasive jetting fracturing treatments in horizontal wells in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico. Well completion times have been reduced from over a week to only two to three days while allowing for more intervals to be selectively stimulated. Initial production results from the wells completed with the new technique have considerable improvement compared to previous stimulation methods.

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