This work reviews several typical intelligent well systems (IWS) completed, including a gas producer, oil producer, auto-gas lift oil producer, multilateral IWS producer, and horizontal openhole multi-isolation producer. For each case, the wellbore modeling, completion design, choking operation strategies, and estimated performance will be introduced.

Case histories based on the analysis of the well modeling results at the design stage of the IWS completion, including well performance along with real-time data, will demonstrate:

  • Was value realized by using an IWS?

  • How did the IWS completion, downhole choking, and monitoring contribute to adding value in accelerating hydrocarbon production, managing production allocations, delaying or minimizing water production, increasing recovery, and decreasing CAPEX or intervention costs?

In conclusion, this paper will show how modeling technologies were developed to derive the IWS well and equipment design such as tool selection, customized choking positions, erosion protection, and tubing movement estimation. It will cover lessons learned through our experience in intelligent well systems, including flow modeling, erosion analysis, tool selection, and crossover control, and how we expect the future movement of this technology. to evolve.

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