This work provides the analytical development of "Vogel"-type Inflow Performance Relation (or IPR) correlations for solution gas-drive reservoir systems using characteristic flow behavior.

Specifically, we provide the following results:

  • An analytical form of the quadratic (Vogel) IPR correlation:

    Where the v-parameter is defined for the solution gas-drive reservoir case using the oil mobility function (i.e., [(ko/(μoBo)]) — this definition is given by:

  • The analytical form for a cubic IPR correlation:

  • The analytical form for a quartic IPR correlation:

The practical value of this work is that we have proven that an IPR can be written for a given solution gas-drive reservoir system directly from rock-fluid properties and fluid properties.

The "theoretical" value of this work is that we provide a "characteristic" formulation of the oil mobility profile [ko/(μoBo)], which is given as:

This proposed "characteristic" mobility model is validated against numerical simulation results from the literature and from work performed as part of this study. Note that the characteristic mobility is only a function of the characteristic parameter (ζ), the initial and average reservoir pressures (pi and p¯), and the oil-phase mobility evaluated at the initial reservoir pressure [ko/(μoBo)]pi.

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