The rapid uptake of transient multiphase flow simulation of wells demonstrates the recognised value to the Industry of this relatively new technique. In offshore, subsea and deepwater well locations, and in long horizontal, multi-layer, multi-lateral, big-bore and complex well completions, Industry can benefit from dynamic simulation for sound engineering design, and optimisation of costs and production.

Dynamic simulation provides the possibility of building a virtual well that can be used to analyse "what if" case scenarios and predict specific results. It is an excellent tool to understand transient well behaviour and determine the optimum process to eliminate or minimise potential transient problems. It does not replace NODAL® analysis but fills a gap where NODAL® analysis techniques cannot provide solutions. Once the dynamic well model is validated it can also be used as an implicit gauge and/or a virtual DTS during production/injection operations.

This paper details some applications, and provides guidelines for the proper use of dynamic simulation in key areas including: well clean-up, well kick-off, watercut limit, flow stability, flow assurance (hydrates), gas lift requirements, large tubing ID flow, production optimisation, and well test equipment sizing.

Well Dynamic Simulation is a useful tool that can be used during FEED and at any stage of the well life cycle to "virtually" run through a complete case scenario and predict the well multi-phase flow behaviour (including trends and profiles of liquid hold-up, pressure and temperature), providing valuable information to optimise technical, operational and HSE integrity during design and operation of production systems.

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