Reservoir connectivity is a common uncertainty when considering any new field appraisal or development options. Having a better understanding of reservoir connectivity provides significant benefits in optimising the field development plan. By the application of a new wireless telemetry technology, it is now possible to cost effectively gather high value reservoir connectivity information in situations that previously may have been considered technically impractical or commercially non-viable.
Consider for instance, the situation where an appraisal or step-out subsea well is drilled close to an existing producing field, or a new field under development. Today, these appraisal wells are typically permanently abandoned after logging and testing without obtaining any long term pressure data, thus losing a valuable opportunity to gain a better understanding of connectivity in the reservoir and thus prove the reservoir model. Using existing technologies to acquire such data, whilst technically viable, is typically not a cost effective option, requiring either well intervention or high up-front capex. By installing a battery powered wireless telemetry system in the well at the time of well abandonment, but without in any way compromising the integrity of the abandonment, it is now possible to acquire high quality reservoir pressure and temperature data for periods of up to 2 years and beyond. Data from the abandoned well, is transmitted from reservoir depth to the seabed using wireless technology, where it is stored for subsequent collection, on demand, by a supply vessel passing overhead.
The paper will review prior methods used for long term reservoir appraisal monitoring and demonstrate how advances in wireless telemetry technology now enable critical information about reservoir connectivity to be obtained from suspended/abandoned wells or zones, where previously there was no cost effective means to do so. It will describe several applications of how the wireless technology has been, or will be applied for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the reservoir model.