Outsourcing is a strategic tool for improving performance and managing cash flow in rapidly growing operating companies. Outsourcing engineering projects is a means to bring specialized expertise and new ideas into an organization, freeing internal resources to concentrate on ongoing operations and core competencies, without a long-term increase in overhead. Through the application of best practices Project Management techniques, engineering project outsourcing can be a vital management tool for initiating technical innovation, expansion into new development or exploration areas, and gaining competitive advantage through intensive analysis of a specific problem.

The upstream petroleum industry routinely achieves effective outsourcing in operations type projects1 . For example, drilling managers consistently utilize a detailed project plan as well as daily cost and progress reporting to control and manage drilling operations. Ironically, the engineering design process that creates the operations procedures, such as drilling programs and completion procedures, which control the ultimate quality of the end product, is often managed using informal methods, or not managed at all.

Many operators minimize overhead by maintaining small staffs of generalists capable of managing a variety of projects. From time to time, a particularly thorny technical issue or unusually heavy work load requires some operators to contract with consulting engineering firms or independent consultants in order to accomplish project objectives. Unfortunately, the typical ad hoc methods of engineering project outsourcing often produce poor results. Consequently, many operators prefer staff augmentation to outsourcing an entire engineering project. Unfortunately, staff augmentation does not eliminate the problems inherent in attempting to manage engineering projects in a resource constrained, operations-driven environment, and the operator loses the potential benefits of effectively managed engineering outsourcing. This paper describes a proven method of outsourcing engineering projects that improves quality while bringing projects in on time and within budget.

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