This paper introduces a new permeability estimation method using the equivalent rock element model which consists of two pore components, one parallel and the other perpendicular to the potential gradient. Both formation resistivity factor and permeability are related to porosity and pore structure, but permeability also depends on pore scale and internal specific pore area. In water wet rocks, irreducible water saturation is a parameter closely related to pore size or scale and internal specific area. Irreducible water occupies space in both parallel and perpendicular pore components and hinders fluid passage. The relative volume occupied in each component varies with many factors such as pore scale and interconnection, fluid properties, mineralogy and wetting characteristics of the mineral/fluid system. This non-uniform occupancy is approximated by a simple power function. An efficient flow porosity is defined by modifying efficient electrical porosity using irreducible water saturation to account for scale and specific pore area. The correlation between efficient flow porosity and permeability is much greater than those in many of the commonly used methods. This method has been applied to several sets of cores from different parts of the world. Better correlations between measured and estimated permeability have been obtained in all datasets compared with other published approaches, such as porosity versus logarithm of permeability, Kozeny-Carman, Wyllie-Rose, and Timur methods.