Historically, wireline log data are used to determine net pay with formation resistivity being the best tool to find hydrocarbon-bearing zones. Merely identifying hydrocarbon zones in the wellbore is not always adequate in providing quantitative data needed to make economic completions. This is especially true when fracture stimulation is routinely applied. Estimation of producing rates, especially water production, is crucial in making the correct decision to complete and fracture stimulate a zone or to by pass the interval. A method has been developed using MRI data to predict gas and water rates through the use of synthetic capillary pressure curves. Using Purcell's permeability model and the Corey-Burdine equations, fractional flow curves can be developed for a complete section and prediction of water and gas rates may be made for individual zones, thus aiding the engineer in making economic completion recommendations.

The present work reveals a stepwise procedure of generating the estimation of producing rates for gas and water by using MRI and resistivity wireline data for completion practices. Further presented in this paper is the application of synthetic capillary pressure data to reservoir modeling and characterization. Rock typing and defining hydraulic flow units is a natural extension of predicting flow rates. Data from the MRI is used as a continuous synthetic core from which flow units have been related to rock types and their flow characteristics. Definition of these intervals has aided in the reservoir description and characterization of a newly developed fault block within the field. MRI derived data such as effective porosity; capillary pressure, relative permeability, and fractional flow behavior are being used in a model to predict gas water contacts, flow rates and recoverable gas reserves within the pilot study area. This knowledge will guide drilling location optimization within the fault block and ultimately within the field when additional verification is obtained in the neighboring wells.

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