Technological achievements in the area of well testing, such as permanent downhole gauges, demand automated techniques to cope with the large amounts of data acquired. In such an application, the need to interpret large quantities of data with little human intervention suggests the desirability of automated model recognition. Also in some cases the characteristic behavior of the pressure or its derivative curves for specific models may be hidden behind noise or human bias may lead to the selection of an invalid or inappropriate model.

This paper demonstrates an approach based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) that is able to select the most probable reservoir model among a set of candidate models, consistent with a given set of pressure transient data. The type of reservoir model to be used is defined as a variable and is estimated together with the other unknown model parameters (permeability, skin, etc.). Several reservoir models are used simultaneously in the regression process. GA populations consist of individuals that represent parameters for different models. As the GA iterates, individuals that belong to the most likely reservoir model dominate the population, while less likely models become extinct. Since different models may require different numbers of parameters, the solution vectors have varying lengths. The GA is able to cope with such solution vectors of differing size. Information exchange (GA crossover operator) is allowed only between parameters that are physically related.

Alternatively, we illustrate the use of GA as a preprocessor for conventional gradient-based algorithms such as LevenbergMarquardt. When combined with the GA, the dependency of such conventional algorithms to the initial guess is reduced and the overall regression performance is improved. For automated interpretations where the model is already known this method allows to virtually eliminate the initial guess determination step.

Tests on real and synthetic pressure transient data indicated that the proposed method was able to select the correct reservoir model. The method revealed hidden implications of the pressure transient that may otherwise have been overlooked due to noise. As a preprocessor for more conventional nonlinear regression approaches, applying GA to a number of noisy pressure transient tests demonstrated that the method is robust and efficient.

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