During the past years, the Oil and Gas industry has invested a lot of resources in the development of the multiphase technology (flow modelling, multiphase production equipment, fluid-related effects). The POSEIDON programme aimed at developing multiphase pumping based on the rotodynamic helico-axial design. This technology has been qualified with two tests on onshore fields. After an extensive comparison with conventional alternatives involving separation, compression, pumping, additional pipeline, it has been decided to install a multiphase boosting station on the offshore DUNBAR field in the North Sea. This paper will present a summary of the qualification tests, the Dunbar field case, the comparison between several export alternatives, the reasons for the selection, the export system over 22 km, the multiphase boosting station (two 4.5MW units) and installation related issues. Field experience after more than a year of operation will be discussed.

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