In a standard conventional oil & gas service, each specialized downhole drilling tool service requires dedicated personnel to execute the field operation. This includes but is not limited to measurement while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling (LWD), directional drilling (DD), casing while drilling (CWD), underreaming service, loss circulation management tool service, drill bit performance service, and many others. In a complex drilling bottom hole assembly (BHA) deployment, multiple skilled-personnel presences at the rig site are required which consequently increases the service cost, the personnel safety risk, and the drilling performance risk caused by multiple chains of communication. Additionally, smaller rigs with less person on board (POB) capacity might become a limitation for multiple services to be deployed. From the environmental sustainability perspective, more personnel cause higher carbon emissions from the drilling operation.

The Multi-skilling approach for the downhole drilling tool services workforce is the solution for future Oil & Gas operation sustainability. The integration capability of the oilfield service company enables the workforce training matrix to be designed adapting the drilling challenges. The cross-training framework was made available in the forms of base-workshop training checklists, online web-based or virtual instructor-led training, offline courses, and on-the-job training. The multi-skill training pathway for each individual is also tracked and monitored, to ensure all downhole drilling service personnel are equipped with sufficient competency.

The multi-skilling was successfully deployed in several projects in Indonesia. A land operation in East Kalimantan executed the DD & MWD operation with fewer personnel by having MWD cross-trained to DD to cover the night shift alone (supported by remote operation), contributing to 25% more personnel-efficient operation. An offshore project in East Kalimantan also completed the drill bit performance service - Directional Drilling – Logging While Drilling – Underreaming While Drilling – Loss Circulation management tool services in an integrated approach with personnel multi-skill, contributed to 42% personnel efficiency by deploying only 4 personnel instead of 7 persons in a conventional way.

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