This study aims to validate and track valve positions for all the zones applying recorded distributed temperature sensing (DTS) data interpretation to propose the best combination of downhole inflow control valve (ICV) openings to optimize Well X-2 multizone commingled production. Fiber DTS is relied on as an innovation against downhole conditions that has compromised the three out of four downhole dual-gauges and valve position sensors.
For zonal water control purpose, ICV cycling and positioning have been attempted in 2019. The valve position tracking derived from the compromised downhole dual gauges and valve position sensors does not tally with the surface flow indication overall. Consequently, the original measurement intention of the fiber DTS as back-up zonal-rate calculation profiling and as potential sub-layer flow-contribution indicators is brought in as contingency zonal valve-opening tracking and guide that proved valuable for subsequent production optimization.
Downloaded DTS data is depth matched and validated against known operating conditions like time of each cycling stage and surface well test parameters (i.e. Liquid Rate, Watercut, Tubing Head Pressure (THP), Total Gas, Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)), etc. To establish a baseline, several DTS traces of historical operating condition during a known stable period were selected, i.e.
stable flowing condition at only Zone 4
stable shut-in condition at surface with only ICV Zone 4 is opened
Downhole valve-position tracking can be interpreted alternatively from induced fiber temperature activities across the valve depth with a good temperature baseline benchmarking from DTS temperature profiling. In one of these alternative interpretations based on fiber temperature, it is found and validated that Zone 1 ICV is Closed, Zone 2, 3 and 4 are in opened position and continuously producing at any cycles. This is in conflict of zonal production control understanding initially based on the compromised downhole sensor indicating that all the zonal valves are supposedly in fully closed position.
In this case-study, DTS data has been proven useful and as an innovative alternative to determine downhole valve opening with analogue to flow contribution derivation methodology. Therefore, anytime in the future where Well X-2 valves cycling is planned to be carried out, there is a corresponding operating procedure that needs to incorporate onsite real-time DTS data monitoring to validate tracked valves positioning.