In the process of petroleum exploration and development, the front-line supervisors have played an important role in ensuring the operation quality and safety. The supervisor performance assessment is the core of supervisor management. However, the traditional performance assessment only focuses on the written test and interviews, with single standard, more qualitative judgment and less quantitative analysis. The performance assessment results are greatly influenced by human factors, being lack of scientificity and fairness.

In order to further improve the supervisor performance assessment system, the performance assessment hierarchical structure model for the supervisor has been established with the use of analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The work capacity, work performance, professional ethics, skills examination, daily training and coworker evaluation are taken as assessment criteria. The weight of each criterion is determined by establishing the judgment matrix, checking the consistency and calculating the weight. In addition, the supervisor performance assessment management software has been designed, which will be conducive to the application of this performance assessment method in oilfields.

The new performance assessment method for the supervisor not only realizes the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, but also realizes the combination of dynamic evaluation and 360 degree feedback. Based on the performance assessment results, the level-to-level management of supervisor has been realized. In addition, the salaryis directly determined by the performance assessment results. Moreover, the supervisor is selected and assignedaccording to the performance assessment results.

The establishment and application of supervisor performance assessment system provide a more reliable basis for the supervisor management and selection, and realize scientific and reasonable assessment of the supervisor.

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