Objectives/Scope: In Queensland, petroleum safety legislation is enforced by the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate. Onshore petroleum well integrity is fundamental to ensuring sustainable production, and ensuring safety outcomes and protection of aquifers during the well life cycle.

Methods, Procedures, Process: This Code of Practice has been developed to help ensure that all onshore petroleum wells are constructed and abandoned to a minimum acceptable standard resulting in long term well integrity, containment of petroleum and the protection of aquifers. This Code identifies industry standards and good oilfield practice for oil and gas well design.

Results, Observations, Conclusions: This Code addresses safety and environmental issues in the construction and abandonment (decommissioning) of petroleum wells and associated bores. This Code provides a way for petroleum tenure holders to comply with their obligations under the onshore Petroleum and Gas legislation in Queensland Australia.

Novel/Additive Information: This Code is designed to complement the petroleum operator's own internal risk assessment processes, operating standards and procedures by outlining a recommended process to ensure that:

  • the environment and aquifer systems are protected;

  • risk to the public and workers is managed to a level as low as reasonably practicable;

  • regulatory and applicable Australian and international standards and requirements, as well as the petroleum tenure holder's standards, are understood and implemented where appropriate; and

  • the life of a petroleum well or associated bore is managed effectively through appropriate design and construction techniques and ongoing well integrity monitoring.

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