Achieving zonal isolation has always been a challenge when drilling and cementing gas-producing wells in a high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) environment. A generally accepted definition of a HP/HT well is one in which the undisturbed bottomhole temperature at prospective reservoir depth or total depth is greater than 149°C [300°F] and either the maximum anticipated pore pressure of any porous formation to be drilled exceeds a hydrostatic pressure gradient of 97 Pa/m [0.8 psi/ft] or pressure control equipment with a rated working pressure in excess of 68.94 Mpa [10,000 psi] is required.
In the past, HP/HT wells were drilled and cemented in the UAE using conventional cementing design and techniques. Those wells had zonal isolation concerns for cemented production strings, proving that cementing was a critical factor in the HP/HT field. In addition, the wells must bear the stresses generated from injection pressure and temperature changes and frequent cycling of injection during well testing and production. Trapped gas and oil between production and intermediate casing (abnormal annular wellhead pressure) has been globally recognized as one of the serious challenges faced by the Industry from well security and isolation perspective. To tackle the potential safety and environmental hazards of abnormal annulus pressure, better cementing practices and solutions are introduced to improve well life cycle and minimize the frequency of workover operations.
This case describes the use of self-healing cement and flexible and expandable cement to prevent cement failure due to induced stresses and optimize the isolation and ultimately deliver on the objective set for critical exploration well by the Operator.