VICO Indonesia is the operator of the Sanga-Sanga Production Sharing Contract located onshore of the Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia since 1968. Over 40 years the PSC has produced 70% of the estimated original gas in place, supporting Bontang LNG plant. VICO has 7 producing fields, in a complex fluvial deltaic deposition with more than 2700 gas and oil reservoir, mixed of depletion and water drive mechanism reservoir. VICO production peaked at 1.5 BSCFD in 1995 then start to decline. Current production is in the range 385 MMSCFD of gas and 14500 BOPD of liquids from 400 active wells.
In a situation of 46% annual base decline, to fulfill domestic and LNG contractual commitments and to optimize reserve recovery, VICO generated and implemented an integrated and aggressive work program called "Renewal Plan". This is an integrated approach between reservoir management and technology application; it provides a detail road map to onward development strategy.
The main elements of the plan are extensive development drilling activities (conventional drilling, grid base drilling, cluster well drilling), low permeability reservoir optimization (horizontal well, hydraulic fracturing, radial drilling), production optimization (deliquification technique, permanent coil tubing gas lift for monobore type) and facilities optimization (reducing abandonment pressure by additional compression installation, wellhead compressor, debottlenecking).
Technology application in drilling, completions, production and facilities optimization combine with synergy from multidisciplinary team have resulted in maintaining VICO production decline in the range of 5% (vs 46% base decline), allowing promoting and partially replacing the reserves at an attractive development cost, even after 40 years production life.
This paper will describe the successful implementation of renewal plan in VICO Indonesia, which proved to be an efficient example of better reservoir management for optimum development of mature assets.