A holistic or overall reservoir performance perspective is seldom used in the well planning/decision process. The industry has a tendency to use broad generalizations along with uncertain interpolated reservoir information. Geologic complexity tends to turn these generalizations and assumptions into less-than-acceptable potential prospect performance predictors. In addition, the industry has a tendency to evaluate the reservoir and well drilling/completion process from a segmented or compartmentalized perspective. Numerous examples of this process exist. Petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, geologists, and drilling and completion engineers perform discrete evaluations based on their training and experiences in other reservoirs. Service companies are given incentives to concentrate on delivery/service issues and product revenue. Consultants focus on developing specific niches or completing assigned tasks. Single wells are analyzed rather than trying to understand how the well fits within the entire reservoir. Many operators grade themselves on their ability to drill and complete for less than industry standard. Their focus is on well cost.

What the industry needs is an understanding of how all these issues fit into the big picture. The subject of this paper is a summary of field evaluations performed to provide a holistic perspective. Results are presented that show how these efforts have identified significant reservoir opportunities with resulting productivity and prospect economic improvement.

The evaluations presented in this paper are holistic in nature and were performed by a team of experts. These evaluations consist of field data quantification, integration, enhancement, statistical and visual analysis, dimension reduction, and development of a predictive artificial neural network (ANN) model. The ANN model is used to identify patterns and trends related to the geology and to reservoir and well completion issues. Economic assessments of various completion/stimulation methods are presented. Engineering evaluations are performed to resolve difficult interpretation issues and test conclusions. The resulting information was then used to drive changes in well completion/stimulation procedures, which in some cases doubled the prospects value. This paper will illustrate the benefits of taking a holistic approach to field-wide problem solving.

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