The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the research project No. 18-013-00623. Adaptation of a person to the extreme conditions of the Arctic is a complex process of the formation of the homeostasis of the organism, which is improved from generation to generation. Adaptation is a complex systemic process of establishing the mutual correspondence of a person with the environment, which is carried out due to a certain activity of an individual and its mobilization. In addition to various climatic factors, a group isolation factor is similar for workers in the south and north of the Russian Federation during shift work organization. In this connection, an important role in the effectiveness of personnel in these conditions is the presence of successful sociopsychological adaptation. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the sociopsychological adaptability of oil and gas workers in shift labor organization in the north and south of the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal and objectives, a study was conducted in which 82 employees took part using the shift organization of labor in the south of the Russian Federation. The study was conducted from June-July 2018 (the duration of shift shifts is 14 days, the rest period is 14 days). A study was also conducted on the oil and gas production with the shift organization of labor in the territory of the Nenets Autonomous District of Russia. The study involved 70 workers aged from 24 to 60 years old. Research methods: the study of documentation, observation, questioning and psychological testing, statistical methods of data analysis. Workers in shift forms of labor in the south of the Russian Federation have a higher level of expression of all the parameters of socio-psychological adaptation: adaptation, acceptance of oneself, acceptance of others, emotional comfort, internality and domination.

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