Major Hazard Management (MHM) of high risk production installation is achieved by oil and gas operators by complying with applicable regulations and adopting various practical and innovative risk management techniques. The learning from offshore and onshore disasters is bringing new levels of best safety practice into the industry. Premier oil has developed a MHM programme for its global asset, which is successfully implemented in South East Asia.
Premier Oil approach for existing facilities (Anoa Field platform complex and FPSO) comprises the following elements:
Conducting a regular ‘thorough review’ of existing Safety Cases;
Including ‘best practice’ into the review, i.e. Bow-Tie and Swiss-Cheese analysis, new guidance on developing process safety indicators (HSG254) and the learning from UK Health and Safety Executive Maintenance Management Review (KP3);
Establishing a verification scheme to confirm full functionality of SCEs and pioneering a ‘Case to Operate’ for any degraded SCEs;
Performing six monthly revalidation of SCEs performance against the assumptions used in the Safety Case;
Premier Oil intends to extend this approach to its new development in South East Asia i.e. Gajah Baru in Indonesia and Chim Sao in Vietnam.
Local regulations in South East Asia do not always require a Safety Case or Verification Scheme for high risk offshore production facilities. Premier Oil is implementing this MHM programme to comply with its corporate policy of reducing risk to ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ of where it operates. As such this process will demonstrate the best combination of theoretical, practical, proactive and reactive steps to control Process Safety and other Major Accident Events on any new build, existing or aging offshore production installation.
The MHM process described will deliver an assurance process for any high risk installation over its working life and can be implemented at any stage of the lifecycle