Many new large-scale pipeline projects are being planned and constructed in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The construction of large linear pipeline projects in the Russian Far East, including such interesting locations as Sakhalin Island, poses many challenges for oil and gas developments throughout the region. This poster explores modern approaches for effective management of pipeline crossings, especially where high quality salmonid fisheries may be involved, and recommends that a watershed approach be taken for more effective management and control. Russian regulations concerning elevation of background total suspended sediment concentrations from construction in and near watercourses are examined, especially with respect to the hydraulics and river mechanics, and natural background concentrations. Some promising modern erosion and sediment control strategies and practices are offered in poster session, along with case history examples. Rapid winter construction practices that result in short downstream sediment transport events are reviewed with respect to their potential impact to short-term and long-term salmon spawning success. Stabilization and revegetation of crossings, approaches, and adjacent disturbed watershed areas is a key element for effective long-term impact mitigation, and can be used to offset the short-term impacts of pipeline construction.