Security risks are behind some of the most pressing risk management concerns of oil and gas companies in the Asia Pacific region. However, the effective management of security risks is generally not well understood by business managers at all levels.
There is a strong requirement to develop a standard process that allows oil and gas companies to both manage security risks and meet their business requirements in the various countries in which thy operate. The process, once developed, needs to be integrated into all relevant aspects of the business.
This paper will explain how this modern Security Process is developed.
The Security Process should be developed as a core feature of a company’s operations management system, allowing all levels of the organization to understand how the management of security fits into the business structure.
This provides legitimacy of the security process throughout the company and promotes its integration with other relevant aspects of the business, thus providing critical links with other core functions such as safety and crisis management.
Having a Security Process as an integral part of a company’s management system leads to greater accountability and awareness of security at all levels of management. This in turn leads to a more cost effective allocation of resources, greater accountability of the security function and a better overall understanding of how to protect the company’s people and assets.