The Duri oilfield is one of the 141 oil fields operated in Sumatra, Indonesia by PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia under a production sharing contract with the Government of Indonesia. Discovered in 1941, the Duri field is one of the world's giant oilfields and the biggest steamflood operation located in the Rokan block with current oil production of 200,000 bpd (31,000 m3 per day). The insitu formations of the Duri field are unconsolidated sands; coupled with a steam flood operation they are susceptible to producing large quantities of oily viscous fluids as a by-product from the oil production. Up to 400 m3/day (2,500 bpd) of oily viscous fluids are generated at five oil production Central Gathering Stations (CGS) in the Duri oilfield.

Slurry Fracture Injection™ (SFI™) is an environmentally viable deep well disposal process for Exploration and Production (E&P) waste streams. The SFI process can be used in the petroleum industry to dispose of produced solids, oily viscous fluids/sludges, tank bottoms, contaminated soils and drill cuttings.

There are a number of environmental advantages associated with the SFI process that make it suitable for E&P waste management strategies that include: permanent disposal of waste materials, zero surface discharge, no adverse interaction with the environment, reduced risk of ground water contamination, and relatively low cost. The SFI process was determined to be the most environmentally viable process for E&P waste management at the Duri oilfield in Sumatra. This SFI project represents the first time that the SFI process was implemented in Indonesia. This paper details the SFI project assessment, development, and field operations related to this deep well disposal process at Duri.

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