The 14-Point HSSE Assurance Tool is an innovative, electronic tool developed internally within the BG Group to support the company's drive for continuous HSSE improvement. It:

  • Embeds a risk-based approach to HSSE management through a novel risk screening process;

  • Defines the fit for purpose HSSE management system specific to the lifecycle stage of every Business Unit or project;

  • Provides three meaningful scores of Business Unit HSSE performance consisting of:

    • Management System Gap Analysis (MS Gap Analysis) Score which measures the extent to which the required H SSE management system controls have been created and documented;

    • HSSE Perception Survey Score which measures the workforces' perception (from management through to the shop-floor) of the way HSSE is managed in the company;

    • Behavioural Survey Score which measures the effectiveness of application of the HSSE Management System controls;

  • Provides support and promotes knowledge sharing via an integrated HSSE Toolbox, which gives guidance and good practice for each proposed control;

  • Allows for benchmarking of performance both within and external to BG Group;

  • Is designed for use by non-HSSE professionals.

The name of the tool is derived from the 14 elements of the HSSE management system illustrated in Figure 1.

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