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Proceedings Papers
SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition
September 10–12, 2007
Bangkok, Thailand
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Technical Integrity Assurance of Unmanned Wellhead Platforms for Safe Well SIMOPS
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Integrating People, Plant, and Process in the Design and Operation of Process Industry Assets.
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Prevention of Occupational Back Pain: Saudi Aramco Experience
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Learnings from Implementing the Occupational Hygiene Program in Chevron Thailand
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Training Techniques for Responders—Critical Thinking or Algorithmic
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Occupational Exposure Hazards Related to the Use of Drilling Fluids Presented with Remedial Risk Management Guidelines
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
What to do when People Deliberately Violate Safety Rules
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Spreadsheet Simulators that Demonstrate how Statistics can Lie about Safety Performance
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Guidelines to Evaluate Oil Spill Contingency Plan Adequacy, Response Competency, and Sustained Readiness
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Corporate Personal Health Management
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Expatriate Health and Welfare: The Hidden Costs of Getting It Wrong
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
H5N1: Contingency Planning and Developing Country Infrastructure
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Diabetes Mellitus Management by Using Evidence-Based Data Management System
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Work-Related Illness—Continued Progress Requires Better Metrics
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Occupational Health Aspects of Emergency Preparedness and Response
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Planning for an Ageing Workforce
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Utilising E-Medicine in Remote Location
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Health Management—A Contractor's Point of View
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Setting Group Minimum Environmental Management Standards—An NOC Approach to Managing the Environment
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Occupational Illness: Challenges Faced
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Development of Globally Accepted Standards for Emergency Medical Response Systems
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The CFD Approach for the Risk Analysis of a Blowout Event
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Development of a Security Process To Meet the Requirements of Oil and Gas Companies in the Asia Pacific Region
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Indigenous Peoples and Oil Companies: Respect the Differences
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Integrated Quality, Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment Management System in ONGC—A Pursuit for Excellence
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Incident- and Injury-Free Program (IIF) at CUEL
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
A Report on the Healthy Lifestyle Initiative at Brunei Shell Petroleum Company, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Integration of Hearts and Minds Concept and Road Safety Enforcement for Accident Reduction
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
E-Learning : A Complimentary Approach for Employee's Health Education
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Management of Sickness Absence and Return to Work
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Statoil Emergency Management Tool: EMMA
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Assessment of the Fate and Ecological Risk of Synthetic-Paraffin-Based Drilling-Mud Discharges Offshore Sarawak and Sabah (Malaysia)
P. B. Dorn; I. A. Rhodes; D. C. L. Wong; R. Van Compernolle; E. M. Hinojosa; W. F. Farmayan; J. P. Ray; B. James; K. K. Hii; S. Hj-Kip
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Viability of Ultrasonic Detector for Hydrocarbon Gas Leak Detection
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Use of Approved Surface Cleaners as Part of an Effective Response
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Utilizing Drama-Based Training To Achieve Behavioural Change in Safety
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Strategy for Managing Environmental Liabilities in an Onshore Oil Field
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Risk Management for Controlled Pressured Drillings in Asia Pacific
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
HIV/AIDS – A Company Perspective
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Risk Assessment (Hazard Management) Process Is a Continual Process, Not a One-Off
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Psychosocial Risk Management at Statoil
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Development of a Post-Graduate Qualification Course in Telemedicine and Telepharmacy for Physicians in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Operationalising HSE Cases in Asia Pacific
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Decommissioning Challenges in Thailand
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Emission Reductions From Carbon Capture and Geological Storage
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Integrating Environment As A Core Business Value: Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Development and Conservation: Biodiversity Monitoring Within the Camisea Gas Project
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Application of a Systematic Technique for the Characterization of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) at Bongkot Field and Songkhla Petroleum Development Support Base
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Business of Environmental Performance
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Metal Recovery From Spent Mercury And H2S Absorbents
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Pipeline Stream Crossings – International Industry Best Practices for Russia/CIS
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Managing Contractor HSE in Shell E&P Asia Pacific
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Thai Rice College Project, Phase 1-6 [2002 – 2007]
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Changing the Role of the Modern Security Function—Helping Organizations Take Risks, Not Eliminate Risks
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Developing an EHS Assurance Program in Delivering and Maintaining a Safer Facility for the Phu Horm Field Development—Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Transboundary-Oil-Spill Management in the Gulf of Thailand: Industry Participation on Response Arrangements Between Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Development of Site Entry Protocol for HNS Spill Response
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Building a Sustainable Proactive Intervention Culture among Workforce—I Care for Your Safety: The Journey by Shell E&P in Asia Pacific
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Produced Water Management Alternatives for Offshore Environmental Stewardship
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Use of a computer simulation to assess Hazard and Risk perception
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Safety Benefits of Remote Operations Centres
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Environmental Due Diligence for International Finance of Major Oil and Gas Projects
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
The Northeast Caspian Sea: Oil Developments in a Sensitive Environment
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Contractor Forum: Improve Client/Contractor Relationship for Better Safety Performance
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Marine Subcontractor Safety Management
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
PTTEP's Drive toward Behavioural-Based Safety (BBS) Improvement
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Safety Training for the Workforce via E-Learning
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
Land Transport Safety Management Practice of Crude Evacuation, Greater S1 Assets, PTT E&P
Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Health, Safety, and Security Environment Conference and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007. doi:
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