During the low oil price era, the ability to deliver a small business investment yet high monetary gains was the epitome of success. A marginal field with its recent success of appraisal drilling which tested 3000bopd will add monetary value if it is commercialized as early as possible. However, given its marginal Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place (STOIIP), the plan to develop this field become a real challenge to the team to find a fit-for-purpose investment to maximize the project value. Luxuries such as sand control, artificial lift and frequent well intervention need to be considered for the most cost-effective measures throughout the life of field ‘Xion’.
During field development study, several development strategies were proposed to overcome the given challenges such as uncertainty of reservoir connectivity, no gas lift supply, limited footprint to cater surface equipment and potential sand production. Oriented perforation, Insitu Gas Lift (IGL), Pressure Downhole Gauge (PDG), Critical Drawdown Pressure (CDP) monitoring is among the approaches used to manage the field challenges will be discussed in this paper. Since there are only two wells required to develop this field, a minimum intervention well is the best option to improve the project economics.
This paper will discuss the method chosen to optimize the well and completion strategy cost so that it can overcome the challenges mentioned above in the most cost-effective approach. Artificial lift will utilize the shallower gas reservoirs through IGL in comparison to conventional gas lift. Sand Production monitoring will utilize the PDG by monitoring the CDP. The perforation strategy will employ the oriented perforation to reduce the sand free drawdown limit compare to the full perforation strategy. The strategy to monitor production through PDG will also reduce the number of interventions to acquire pressure data in establishing reservoir connectivity for the second phase development through secondary recovery and reservoir pressure maintenance plan.
This paper will also explain the innovative approaches adopted for this early monetization and fast track project which is only completed within 4 months. This paper will give merit to petroleum engineers and well completion engineers involved in the development of marginal fields.