The ‘B’ Field is located about 40 KM, offshore Sarawak and was discovered in 1967 with 70-80 m water depth. Structurally, ‘B’ field is charaterised by a simple relatively flat, low-relief domal anticline which is bounded to the north and south by the north-hading growth faults. The major faults are acted as effective lateral seal, which is indicated by the difference in the fluid type and fluid contacts across those faults. ‘B’ field consist of multiple hetereogenous sandstone reservoirs with permeability and porosity ranging from 25 −1700 mD and 16 −29% respectively.

‘B’ Field injectivity conformance for reservoir pressure support is very crucial as the field is undergoing severe depletions over years and unable to meet the production target. The Operator realized the importance in order to further increase the recovery factor, hence has included ‘B’ field in the Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) project to boost the production and prolong ‘B'field's life. Based on comprehensive IOR/EOR screening study, water injection process has been identified as the most amenable IOR process in ‘B'field. Hence, in Phase 1 drilling campaign, two (2) water injectors were drilled in 2016 in order to achieve the target oil recovery. Both well BWI-01 and BWI-02 were completed with Intelligent completions (IC) and expected to come online in Q4 2018.

This paper further discusses the injection strategy in ‘B’ field multi-zones to meet the zonal injectivity and reservoir zonal voidage replacement requirement for pressure maintenance over field production life. The discussion covers the reservoir characteristics and zonal injectivity challenges with surface constraints that require intelligent completions solution for IOR phase. Completions architecture and customized metallurgy needs is crucial to meet operational challenges. Fit-for-purpose and maintaning development cost is pre-requisite to achieve well injection performance for optimal production

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