The development of complex, deep gas condensate fields with oil ring was once a difficult and uneconomical task to perform. The optimization of conceptual design has now become cost efficient through the use of integrated simulation. This presentation focuses on the integrated study of Qiaokou oil- rim gas condensate field , located in Zhongyuan oil field. The reservoir is of low permeability, low porosity, deep pay and has three fault-isolated produced zones, named Qiao14, Qiao69 and Qiao58 blocks. In 2002, 28 infills were drilled on the basis of adding incremental reservoirs. With the advent of widely available high-accuracy reservoir predicting technology, under-balanced drilling technology and large- scale fracturing technology in Zhongyuan oil field, encouraging factors and results led to a desire to further field- scale development plans. An detailed integrated study of Qiaokou oil-rim gas condensate reservoirs was proposed.
This study involved building a highly detailed earth model to accurately define the geologic framework, and a scaled-up simulation model to optimize the field demonstration project. Based on well log, geologic, and core data, individual-layer data and the faulted structure were mapped. Reservoir behavior of oil-rim gas condensate reservoir is modeled using a 3-D reservoir simulator. The model incorporates a description of the phase behavior of gas and oil rim, well stimulation and compaction in the reservoirs.
The multi-disciplinary demonstration of reservoir evaluation, gas engineering, PVT analysis, numerical simulation, gas production practice, fracture acidizing on Qiaokou oil-rim gas condensate reservoirs has been accomplished by earth scientists, field engineers, and reservoir engineers. An integrated simulation incorporating the demonstrated results of these engineers has been presented to make decisions in Qiaokou oil-rim gas condensate field development.
The study showed the integrated numerical modeling of Qiaokou oil-rim gas condensate reservoirs can be cost effective and SINOPEC has already ratified the further development plan in light of the results of this study. Our conclusions and recommendations will help improve future management and development of Qiaokou oil-rim gas condensate field.