Asset based functioning in companies has been setting examples of fast track development strategy by combining multi discipline functions. This is especially relevant for development of a marginal field located adjacent to a large gas field, hydro dynamically connected at aquifer level. In the case history of Vasai East field, these aspects are presented here.
3-D seismic carried out in the year 2000 around the existing field provided a lead for possibility of a new structure towards east. The first exploratory well drilled in March 2001 led to discovery of new marginal field Vasai East having oil overlain by large sour gas cap and underlain by large aquifer. The field was delineated by mid 2002 after drilling of four additional exploratory wells. It was also concluded that Vasai East field is separated from main Vasai gas field at hydrocarbon level, but is hydro-dynamically connected through a common aquifer resulting in sub-hydrostatic pressures. Immediately after delineation, fast track development strategy was formulated and a core team was constituted by combining functions of geology, geophysics, reservoir, drilling & well engineering, asset, design and engineering and R&D institutes to workout development plans for the field.
This paper discusses the combined results of a multidisciplinary team for fast track development, technological options, economization of new infrastructures, techno-economic evaluation of different development options. The cost effective development plan with investment of about US$ 200 million was approved by management in shortest possible time for this marginal field.
Since adjoining gas field was being produced at its peak rate, any delay in implementation of this fast track strategy could lead to serious impact of oil recovery of this field. The implementation of this development plan is on fast track execution.