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Keywords: reservoir characterization
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166819-MS
... modeling recoverable reserve oiip value additional information reservoir characterization formula ruble monte carlo method probability realization geologic modeling epnv information evaluation cost efficient decrease upstream oil & gas additional geological information equivalent...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166886-MS
... to form the current vision of the project solutions for its development: determine principal production profiles, count and mutual location of production and injection wells, consider lateral heterogeneity through an adaptive development system, meeting the critical operating conditions. reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166850-MS
... weather phenomena. real time system us government structural geology wellbore integrity drilling operation upstream oil & gas magnetic disturbance field spe 166850 geomagnetic field reservoir characterization directional drilling trajectory design accuracy observatory space weather...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166885-MS
... agreement. Using of this approach allows us to find the ways for new possibilities in improving design of acid treatments and understand the current status of the proposed design. reservoir characterization structural geology oil reservoir flow in porous media upstream oil & gas calculation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166821-MS
... interval still persist. Some techniques show promise but may not be economic in a brown field business environment located in an arctic acquisition environment. reservoir characterization north slope morphology velocity field upstream oil & gas variation seismic imaging alaska rick matson...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166877-MS
... at the reservoir crest. However, The current subsidence for this reservoir in the current time after 59 years of predict is approximately two ft. at the crest. reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas flow in porous media reservoir performance enhanced recovery fluid dynamics east flank...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166836-MS
.... "…additional positive results may be obtained with supercritical reflections. When recording of waves at the offset interval 5–7 H, where H – is the depth of the reflector" Pusyrev N.N. reservoir characterization psr time section complex geological condition geological condition upstream oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166830-MS
.... Therefore, planning the work is essential when using the most modern equipment, which equipment increases the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the data. arctic sea information russia geophysical research reservoir characterization far north ocean bottom cable-free equipment upstream...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166838-MS
... to be closer to the observations than the estimates predicted by the known LOAD97 program from ETERNA3.3 package. difference vector calculation oceanic effect amplitude upstream oil & gas oceanic model love number gravity reservoir characterization oceanic loading effect oceanic gravimetric...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 15–17, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166862-MS
... location of offshore ice-resistant fixed platform –1 center was correted, now it is located on the "Verkhnekhvalynskaya" highland. Hydraulic fracturing and hydrochloric acid treatment well logging reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas log analysis field development trajectory...

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